Insights from our Discussion Panel at the EMEA Cash and Payments Seminar, Cape Town

At the EMEA Cash and Payments Seminar, ECM Managing Director, Jamie Cockerell hosted a discussion Panel of industry speakers, who discussed their own experiences with business transformation, from software and/or hardware technology implementation, to changing cultures and leveraging data. 

Discussion panel speakers

The discussion Panel included long established ECM customers – Louter Vosloo of FNB South Africa, and Leon Naude of SBV Services, in addition to Barrie Foley of innovative cash processing machines company, CPSThe Bank of Ghana were unable to attend in person, however due to the longevity of the relationship, they granted their permission for Jamie to present their nationwide cash platform, delivered by ECM.

Bank of Ghana case study

The Bank of Ghana presents a comprehensive case study and successful software implementation throughout their banking estate, which Jamie summarised at the start of the Panel discussions.   This was also the beginnings of a data journey, learning what was of value to the organisation, with ECM creating custom data points to deliver on business objectives.  

Wider thoughts

Leon Naude, of SBV Services, openly shared their major issue with decentralised legacy architecture, and highlighted the mindset of “technology enabling the process, not leading it”, which is essential for shareholder buy-in.  He commented that “centralisation is the single most important benefit”, with ownership of cash and the fact that the software is highly configurable coming in close behind.  SBV are a complex organisation offering a multitude of services to the banking and retailing community, and ECM have been instrumental to providing that centralised control as an enabler of business growth.  The ECM suite is modular, with the intention of growing with the customer organisation in a controllable and culturally acceptable way, proving the benefits of data as a continual improvement process.

Louter Vosloo of FNB shared what he termed their “optimisation journey”, bringing data into the equation for measurability.  With a focus on building a strong cash brand, FNB had created strategic pillars of Operations, People, Customer, Risk & Security, and Financial.  With such tight controls across an end-to-end integrated business and customer solution, FNB were able to demonstrate KPI’s such as a velocity of cash increase of 30% from Receiving to Issuing.  In addition, an overall 615% increase on volume per head through process and technology optimisation, over a time period 2010 to 2023.  

Insights from CPS

CPS took on the mantle of business change, echoing SBV, but with an emphasis on the power of data to counter cost and driving efficiency pressures inherent in every business today.  Barrie reflected on how sustainability data had triggered a huge shift. Referencing Industry 4.0, particularly aerospace and automotive, Barrie talked in terms of improving efficiencies on the machine itself using 6 Sigma technologies and continuous improvement, in addition to getting more data from the banknote and continuing to learn from this.  ECM’s Bank of Ghana case study demonstrated a partnership built on learning and collaboration.  Value is not built overnight, but over time and ECM have demonstrated this through the longevity of their customer relationships, so much so, they’re happy to join Jamie at prestigious events such as this to discuss, debate and continue to learn and improve.

All in all, the Seminar provided a thought-provoking, forward-looking event and we were delighted to share our software expertise as one the organiser’s panellist hosts.